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As a church family, we want to make sure we are putting God out in front of us in all we do this year. Starting January 10th, we will be kicking off our 21 days of prayer and fasting! As we fast and pray together, we wanted to give you a resource to be able to partner with us to pray for our church, city, world, and God’s will in this new year.


Let us know how you’re doing and what you’re personally praying for by clicking the “REimagine” button below. We want to join with you in prayer to see God move not only in the life of our church but in your life personally.


What can I eat?

On the Daniel Fast, you eat plant-based meals that are nutritious and delicious, while setting aside other foods as an act of worship and sacrifice to the Lord. 

daily scriptures

Scriptures to guide your daily intercession. As you meditate on these passages, your knowledge of truth will increase, and your faith in the Lord will grow stronger.

daily prayer call

Join us Monday - Friday at 6:00PM for our Corporate Prayer.

DIAL IN TO 605.472.5706

ACCESS CODE: 683297#



DIAL 605.475.4981 | ACCESS CODE 683297#

Food & Devotionals




The Daniel Fast is based on the prophet Daniel’s fasting experiences as recorded in the Bible. The fast is a biblically-based partial fast. According to Daniel chapter 1, the results were: (v. 17) learning, skill, wisdom, and spiritual understanding, (v.19) favor and better appearance.  In Daniel chapter 10, the fast resulted in: (vv. 11-12) answered prayer and spiritual insight. One of the great things about the Daniel Fast is that you are not limited to any specific amount of food, but rather the kinds of food you can eat.


  • Only fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes & whole grains.

  • Only water or natural fruit juice for a beverage.

  • No sweeteners, bread, meat, eggs, or dairy products.



  • All fruits. Not an exhaustive list. These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced, or canned. Fruits include apples, bananas, blackberries, cherries, grapes, grapefruit, lemons, mangoes, peaches, etc.

  • All vegetables. Not an exhaustive list. These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced, or canned. Vegetables include asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, kale, onions, potatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes, zucchini, etc.

  • All whole grains. Not an exhaustive list. Includes whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, oats, barley, grits, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat tortillas, rice cakes, and popcorn.

  • All Nuts and Seeds. Not an exhaustive list. Includes sunflower seeds, cashews, peanuts, and sesame—also, nut butter, including peanut butter.

  • All legumes.Not an exhaustive list. These can be canned or dried. Legumes include dried beans, pinto beans, split peas, lentils, black-eyed peas, kidney beans, black beans, cannellini beans, and white beans.

  • All quality oils. Not an exhaustive list. Includes olive, canola, grape seed, peanut, and sesame.

  • Beverages: Spring water, distilled water, or other pure waters.

  • Other: Tofu, soy products, vinegar, seasonings, salt, herbs, and spices.


  • All meat and animal products. Not an exhaustive list. Includes beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish.

  • All dairy products. Not an exhaustive list. Includes milk, cheese, cream, butter, and eggs.

  • All sweeteners. Not an exhaustive list. Includes sugar, raw sugar, honey, syrups, molasses, date honey, agave, stevia, and cane juice.

  • All leavened bread, including Ezekiel Bread (contains yeast and honey) and baked goods.

  • All refined and processed food products. Not an exhaustive list. Includes artificial flavorings, food additives, chemicals, white rice, white flour, and foods that contain artificial preservatives.

  • All deep-fried foods. Not an exhaustive list. Includes potato chips, french fries, and corn chips.

  • All solid fats, including shortening, margarine, lard, and foods high in fat.

  • Beverages: Coffee, tea, herbal teas, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and alcohol.

Day 1 

Pray: "I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High" (Ps. 7:17). 

Wait: "In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly" (Ps. 5:3). 

Trust: "Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you" (Ps. 9:10 NLT). 


Day 2

Pray: "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us" (1 John 5:14).

Wait: "The Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore, he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!" (Is. 30:18). 

Trust: "The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him" (Nahum 1:7 NLT).

Day 3

Pray: "I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray" (Ps. 17:6 NLT). 

Wait: "Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him" (Ps. 62:5 NLT).

Trust: "Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed" (Prov. 16:3 NLT). 

Day 4

Pray: "The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God" (Rom. 8:26-27). 

Wait: "For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him" (Is. 64:4 NLT). 

Trust: "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence" (Jer. 17:7 NLT). 

Day 5

Pray: "Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me" (Ps. 54:4). 

Wait: "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes" (Ps.37:7). 

Trust: "Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint" (Is. 40:31 NLT).


Day 6

Pray: "It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High. It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening" (Ps. 92:1-2 NLT).

Wait: "Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord" (Ps. 27:14 NLT).

Trust: "The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen" (2 Tim. 4:18).


Day 7

Pray: "I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me" (Ps. 57:2 NLT).

Wait: "As for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me" (Micah 7:7).

Trust: "Praise the Lord! For he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving" (Ps. 28:6-7 NLT). 


*If you have any known medical conditions or suspect such conditions, consult your doctor before beginning the fast.*

Share Your Testimony!

We cannot wait to see what God will do in your life and the life of our church family as we chase after and honor Him during these 21 days of prayer and fasting.


© Copyright 2024 Mt. Nebo Baptist Church & Life Center

Mt. Nebo Baptist Church & Life Center 

1600 Agape Way |  Decatur, Georgia 30035

Phone: 404.449.7652

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